About Us
We aim to provide a great service for the collector of British stamps & postal history.
We carry an excellent and very comprehensive stock of GREAT BRITAIN from early letters before the advent of the Penny Black through to major modern printing errors. Our stock includes one of the best selections of Queen Victoria line-engraved and surface printed issues, with an accent on quality and the unusual.
Fully illustrated lists of British stamps and postal history are sent free on request.
Details of major stamp shows including those we are attending can be seen on the Events page.
An International approval service and lists to suit your individual requirements are available on request.
ADVICE with your British collection whether beginner, specialist or exhibitor; many years of experience at your disposal.
TOP PRICES PAID for unusual and quality items. Surprisingly a question we are continually asked is ‘Do you buy stamps?!’ Of course the answer is yes, yes, yes, and have been doing so since 1984.