1856-57 DIE 2 1D PL.27 MATCHED TRIO LETTERED CF ON BLUED PAPER, TRANSITIONAL PAPER (SPEC C9) AND WHITE PAPER (SG40). Envelope Shaftesbury to the Great Northern Railway, Kings Cross, London with good to fine used die 2 1d pl.27 red-brown on lightly blued paper (SG29), centered slightly low and tied '698' numeral of Shaftesbury, on reverse SHAFTESBURY date stamp NO 22 1856. Matched with good used example pale-red on transitional paper (Spec C9(3), centered slightly low and tied London '19' Inland Office numeral, backstamped AP 20 1857, also fine used example rose-red on white paper (SG40) cancelled '458' numeral of Lincoln. Fine trio. (Ref 126950).