• 136226 1660 'By the King A PROCLAMATION, For Quieting the Poft-Mafter-General in the Execution of his Office.', AN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT APPOINTING HENRY BISHOP AS POSTMASTER GENERAL.

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    1660 'By the King A PROCLAMATION, For Quieting the Poft-Mafter-General in the Execution of his Office.', AN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT APPOINTING HENRY BISHOP AS POSTMASTER GENERAL. An original 1660 two page broadside, 313 x 514mm, proclamation with the Royal Coat of Arms at top entitled 'By the King A PROCLAMATION, For Quieting the Poft-Mafter-General in the Execution of his Office.'. At upper right 'CHARLES R.' with the following text 'Hereas We have by Our Letters Patents under Our Great Seal, constituted and appointed Our Truly and wel-beloved Henry Bifhop Efq; Our Poft-Mafter-General, to perform and execute all and every the powers mentioned in a late Act of Parliament, touching the erecting and settling an Office of Poft-Mafter-General; And whereas the secret and indirect conveyance of Letters, by ways unlawful and unauthorised, doth not onely tend to the diminuation of Our Revenue, by leffening the Office of Poft-Mafter-General, but maybe a means to promote Seditious designs, and to difturb the Peace of Our Realm....'. 'Given at Court at Whitehall, Sixteenth day of January, in the Twelfth Year of his Maje-fties Reign, One thoufand fix hundred and fixty. GOD SAVE THE KING.' An amazing original document and the first example we have seen. (Private Treaty). (Ref 136226).

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