• 136466 1884 1½D LILAC IMPERFORATE PAIR (SG188a).

  • £4,000.00

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  • Description

    1884 1½D LILAC IMPERFORATE PAIR (SG188a). A very fine top marginal IMPERFORATE PAIR 1884 1½d lilac (SG188a) lettered AC AD, small fault in sheet margin and AD with light bend, neither mentioned on RPS cert 237331 which states 'unused full original gum is genuine'. Very rare and of exhibition quality. (Ref 136466).
  • 136466 1884 1½D LILAC IMPERFORATE PAIR (SG188a).
  • 136466 1884 1½D LILAC IMPERFORATE PAIR (SG188a).

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