TWO 1858 ENVELOPES WITH 'Harrow' STRAIGHT LINE RECEIVERS HAND STAMP (Ll514) AND 'HARROW' UDC, 20MM. Mourning envelope, slight soiling, from London to 'Mrs Stephen Cholmeley, c/o Maynard Esq, Harlsey Hall, Northallerton, Yorkshire' with fine die 2 1d rose-red on white paper (SG40) lettered AA cancelled neat strike London '28' Inland Office numeral. On reverse fine strike 'Harrow' straight line hand stamp in black, 23mm and 'LONDON' date stamp JA 2 58. Also 1858 envelope London to 'Mrs Saml Fletcher, Broomfield, Cheetham Hill, Manchester' with die 2 1d rose-red on white paper (SG40) lettered MG with indistinct cancellation. On reverse fine strike 'HARROW' udc, 20mm in dark blue and 'LONDON-N.W' date stamp OC 4 59 in red. Fine 'matched' pair. (2 items). (Ref 136445).